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C programming : Coding Standards / Best Practices
c programming
The C Language is developed by Dennis Ritchie for creating system applications that directly interact with the hardware devices such as drivers, kernels, etc.
C programming is considered as the base for other programming languages, that is why it is known as mother language.
It can be defined by the following ways:
1. Mother language
2. System programming language
3. Procedure-oriented programming language
4. Structured programming language
5. Mid-level programming language
C Programming Best Practices
Welcome to the world of C programming! We all study C in high school or intermediate. But, most of the aspirants or programmers struggle while coding. Today, you are going to get rid of this hurdle. We are going to explore the C programming best practices and rules. These rules are not only for C, but you can also take these rules as a base of all programming languages. So, let’s gather all the shortcuts, tips and tricks to become a better programmer.
Coding standards
A C coding standard is a set of rules for source code that is adopted by a team of programmers working together on a project, such as the design of an embedded system. Programming teams and companies write down their C coding standards for a variety of reasons but often bicker internally about which rules to follow.
You can really learn anything if you put the effort into learning
Effort 1
Write C programs in an effective way
These are some basic conditions-
1. Look at the Example Code
2. Don't Just Read Example Code--Run It
3. Write your Own Code as Soon as Possible
4. Learn to Use a Debugger
5. Seek out More Sources
6.All statements are entered in small case letters

# Discover instant and clever code completion, on-the-fly code analysis, and reliable refactoring tools.
Effort 2
Focus on code readability
1. Write as few lines as possible.
2. Use appropriate naming conventions.
3. Segment blocks of code in the same section into paragraphs.
4. Use indentation to marks the beginning and end of control structures. Clearly specify the code between them.
5. Don’t use lengthy functions. Ideally, a single function should carry out a single task.
6. Have rules and guidelines for your code.
7. Code like you’re in a team — even a one-person team.

I’ve learned them in all kinds of projects, teams, and organizations. I hope that you can pick some things from this blog to improve your code readability.
Effort 3
Know pointers thoroughly and make their own programs.
The pointer in C language is a variable which stores the address of another variable. This variable can be of type int, char, array, function, or any other pointer. The size of the pointer depends on the architecture. However, in 32-bit architecture the size of a pointer is 2 byte.
# Declaring a pointer
# Pointer to a function
# Pointer to structure
# Advantage of pointer
# NULL Pointer

we has go throw withmthis above topics to learn deaply about pointers. A high-level programming language built in the C programming language was used to construct the first operating system, which was UNIX
Effort 4
Deploy and run their own real-time applications
C will create projects for almost any software building tool: Visual, QtCreator, XCode, make, Code::Blocks, Eclipse, etc, on any OS. This frees you from maintaining many project files. Preprocessing
- compilation
- linking runtime
- Visual Studio
- adding include dictionaries
- link with a library
- build, run and debug
- building your own C application
A high-level programming language built in the C programming language was used to construct the first operating system, which was UNIX

This course is for everyone. In the new world we live in, coding is a universally valuable skill, whether you're a scientist, artist, or a humanist. Algorithms are everywhere, and we all have to understand how they work.
The C language is particularly well suited as an introduction to coding: It's a tried-and-true language, and it allows you to understand computing processes at a deep level. No prior knowledge of coding is needed for this course. We'll start at the beginning. The time estimated time commitment for this course is five hours a week for five weeks.
Website: www.siliconvalley4u.com
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Written by Kingston Kailasha, a Siliconvalley4u's student