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What is CYBER SECURITY, and how does it help?
To start off you should understand what Cyber Security is. Cyber Security is what keeps electronic devices like a computer or a phone to be protected from hackers and viruses that may try to do Cyber crime or Cyber Terrorisum. Cyber Crime is when a Cyber Criminal targets individuals that will help them in financial gain. Cyber Terrorisum is is when a Cyber Criminal tries to cause real world problems or cause destruction to buildings and towers.
How do Cyber Criminals cause Cyber Attacks? They will most probably use Malware. Malware can come in different forms like…
- Viruses that cause popups and attack files.
- A trojan that takes your data.
- Spyware which connects to your cameras and can steal credit card information.
- Ransomware that locks files and data and keeps them until a ransom is paid.
- Adware is where it sends in malicious code from fun advertisements.
- Botnets are computers that are infected with Malware that can transfer to other devices.
- Phishing where hackers may send links in your emails that request personal information.
- Sequel injection is when malicious code may be injected into a software or database.
- Man in the middle attack is when a Cyber Criminal intercepts in between messages or calls and steals information.
- Denial of service attack is where a Cyber Criminal intercepts into a database and causes it to act unlike normal.
What's the difference between information and Cyber Security? Cyber Security is similar but not information security. Information security is to secure information in anyform including digital and printed, while Cyber Security is to protect only your digital information. These attacks can include attempts to access, change, or destroy your personal data and information.

Cyber Criminals also can disturb or steal from big businesses. There are many companies that sell Cyber Security products for people to use. Some companies that sell these products are Palo Alto Networks, Crowdstrike, Huntress, Rapid 7, Cisco, and much more. Cyber Security is important because it also protects the transfer of anything digital. Like if you were to have a transaction from the bank to keep it safe Cyber Security protects it. Your cameras on your devices and in your house can also be hacked and could be used against you but this is very rare due to Cyber Security. Cyber Security is great and it helps to protect your devices but it may not protect everything. To help protect your devices are to make sure your passwords are at least 16 digits long and it has upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. Make sure to delete emails from un none accounts with links attached. When you go outside, never use unknown or unsecure wifi since there can be malware hidden inside. Make sure to download safe apps like a vpn to be secure.