
Gurumurthy Yeleswarapu: The Leader Pioneering the Future of Technology and Education

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Gurumurthy Yeleswarapu is a leading figure in the worlds of technology and education. With a career that spans over two decades, he has made groundbreaking contributions to the fields of big data, cloud computing, and network technologies. Known for his ability to blend innovation with education, Yeleswarapu is making a lasting impact in both the tech industry and the global education landscape.

Guru Yeleswarapu
Guru Yeleswarapu

Early Life and Education of Gurumurthy Yeleswarapu

Gurumurthy Yeleswarapu began his career in technology with a passion for innovation and problem-solving. His educational background and early career roles laid the foundation for his later achievements in both the corporate and entrepreneurial domains.


Gurumurthy Yeleswarapu’s Career in Technology

Corporate Roles

  • WANdisco (2014-2015): As Director of Engineering, he developed non-stop Hadoop solutions leveraging Paxos algorithms and YARN.
  • Broadcom (1999-2005): He played a pivotal role in defining StrataXGS switching architecture for data centers and enterprise networking.
  • Cisco Systems (1999-2000): He worked as an architect for various projects, including integrating IOS protocols on StrataXGS chipsets.


  • SiliconValley4U (2015-Present): As Founder and CEO, he established a tech academy that has trained over 15,000 students globally in big data, machine learning, and other cutting-edge technologies. The platform also offers coding bootcamps and career development courses.
Gurumurthy Yeleswarapu - Founder & CEO at SiliconValley4u | The Org
CEO/Founder of Siliconvalley4u
  • NexClap (2020-Present): This platform connects students to mentors and growth opportunities, showcasing Yeleswarapu's commitment to education and innovation.
  • E-Colt Systems (2008-2010): He developed enterprise-class VPN products and built a thriving ecosystem around them.

Educational Contributions

Advisory and Mentorship Roles

bay may 1
Guru as Core Team Member (Third from Right)

Webinars and Public Speaking

Gurumurthy Yeleswarapu at Online Webinar by Clickto (2021)
Online Webinar by Clickto (2021)
  • Hosted advanced technology webinars, including "Big Data Essential Training" and courses on cloud computing.
Gurumurthy Yeleswarapu (siliconvalley4u) speaking for Advanced Technology Courses
Report on "Advanced Technology Courses" (2021)

Capstone Sponsorships

In Spring 2023, Mr. Yeleswarapu sponsored the "NexClap Recommendation System" capstone project at the University at Albany.


Gurumurthy has been granted multiple patents for his work in network technology and distributed computing. His patents have contributed to the development of more efficient and scalable systems that are vital for modern networking:

  • Mirroring in a Network Device (US Patent 8,005,084, 2011)
  • Network for Supporting Advanced Features on Legacy Components (US Patent 20,060,114,938, 2005)
  • VLAN Translation in a Network Device (US Patent 7,830,892, 2010)
  • Remapping Module Identifiers and Substituting Ports in Network Devices (US Patent 7,778,245, 2010)
  • Remapping Module Identifier Fields and Port Identifier Fields (US Patent 7,948,987, 2011)
Gurumurthy Yeleswarapu' Google Scholar profile
Gurumurthy Yeleswarapu' Google Scholar profile

Podcast: "Freedom to Learn"

In addition to his entrepreneurial and educational work, the Siliconvalley4u founder hosts the "Freedom to Learn" podcast. Through this podcast, he shares insights on emerging tech trends, career advice, and stories from tech leaders. It's another way Yeleswarapu empowers others to embrace lifelong learning and innovation in the ever-changing tech landscape.

You can listen the the full podcast on our channels: Youtube, Podbean, Amazon Music, iheartRadio, Podchaser, BoomPlay

Yeleswarapu's Perspective: The Power of Online, Instructor-Led Coding Education

As technology evolves, so does the way we learn. California-based tech leader Guru Yeleswarapu strongly believes that learning to code from remote instructors offers significant advantages over traditional in-person classes. He highlights how online, instructor-led sessions provide flexibility, access to a wider range of instructors, and an interactive learning environment that benefits students.

"Why you must learn coding from remote instructors?" by Gurumurthy Yeleswarapu(2023)
"Why you must learn coding from remote instructors?" by Guru (2023)

Flexibility and Access to a Diverse Range of Instructors
Global educator Gurumurthy Yeleswarapu points out that online learning opens up the opportunity to learn from experts around the world. "Students can access instructors from all over the world, which means they can learn from experts in their field and gain a broader understanding of the subject matter." He explained. This diversity in instructors not only enhances the learning experience but also helps students gain new perspectives and insights. Additionally, the flexibility that comes with online classes allows students to fit their studies around their personal schedules, making learning more accessible and manageable, especially for those with other commitments.

Engagement and Building a Sense of Community
While some believe that online learning lacks the social aspect of in-person classes, Siliconvalley4u and Nexclap founder emphasizes that modern online platforms can create a vibrant community. Virtual collaborations, networking opportunities, and group activities like hackathons foster connections between students, encouraging teamwork and helping them build valuable professional relationships—essential skills for the modern workforce.

Personalized Learning at Your Own Pace
One of the biggest benefits of online coding education is the ability for students to learn at their own pace. Yeleswarapu believes this self-paced model allows learners to tailor their experience to their needs. Students can receive individualized support, take the time they need to fully understand concepts, and progress through the course more effectively, without the pressure of keeping up with a traditional classroom pace.

Preparing for the Future of Remote Work
As remote work becomes more common, the ability to work and collaborate digitally is an invaluable skill. "The world is becoming increasingly digital, and young people need to be able to adapt to this changing environment." Guru mentioned. He stresses that learning coding online, especially through instructor-led programs, equips students with essential skills needed for the digital workforce. It’s not just about coding; it’s about learning to communicate and collaborate remotely, preparing students for the demands of a globally connected and increasingly virtual job market.

Recognition and Legacy: A Visionary Leader in Technology and Education

Gurumurthy Yeleswarapu’s career continues to inspire. Guru continues to lead the charge in transforming technology and education. To learn more about his vision, explore his initiatives at Siliconvalley4u or listen to his podcast, "Freedom to Learn."


  1. United States Patent and Trademark Office. "System and method for traffic forwarding between routing domains." Patent 7,948,987.
  2. Kalkunte, M., Buduma, V., Agarwal, P., Yeleswarapu, G., & Yu, S.H. "Mirroring in a network device." Patent 8,005,084. Google Scholar.
  3. Kalkunte, V., Mohan, Yeleswarapu, G., Agarwal, P., & Yu, S.H. "Network for supporting advanced features on legacy components." Patent 20,060,114,938. Google Scholar.
  4. Kalkunte, M., Buduma, V., Yu, S.H., & Yeleswarapu, G. "VLAN translation in a network device." Patent 7,830,892. Google Scholar.
  5. Cameron, K., Yeleswarapu, G.V.S., Kalkunte, M., Sampath, S., & Baird, B. "Method and apparatus for remapping module identifiers and substituting ports in network devices." Patent 7,778,245. Google Scholar.
  6. University of San Jose. "Big Data Essential Training."
  7. TurnerHacks 2021. "Judges of TurnerHack 2021."
  8. NECN. "Advanced Technology Courses Webinar Report, 2021."
  9. NECN. "Career Guidance Cell, 2019-20." PDF.
  10. SVEC. "SiliconValley4U for Entrepreneurs Program Webinar Report, 2022."
  11. BOLETIM-UFRJ. "Research Contributions by Gurumurthy Yeleswarapu."
  12. University at Albany. "Computer Science Capstone Projects, Spring 2023 Demo Schedule."
  13. ITServe Alliance. "Bay Area Core Team."
  14. DNB Business Directory. "E-Colt Systems Inc." Link.
  15. Podbean. "Freedom to Learn Podcast."
  16. Google Scholar. "Gurumurthy Yeleswarapu - Publications and Patents."

Written by: Emily Nguyen

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