
Cloud Computing

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We have seen it, heard it, and done it. But, do we know what it is? We have been using cloud computing unknowingly through Gmail and Google docs, yet we never thought that these were cloud computing services

What is Cloud Computing technology?

Cloud computing is a technology that puts your entire computing organization in both hardware and software applications online. It uses the internet, and remote central servers to maintain data & applications. Gmail, Yahoo mail, Hotmail, etc are all the most basic and widely used examples of cloud computing. One does not need his PC or laptop to check some stored mail/data/photos in the mailbox but any computer with an internet connection since the data is stored with the mail service provider on a remote cloud.  It aims to provide infrastructure and resources online to its clients; Dynamism, Abstraction, and, Resource Sharing.

The history of this was started in the 1960s and they are going on working on the project and they have been done in the year 2013.

Evolution of Cloud Computing”

It has essentially evolved from various computing technologies like grid computing, utility computing, parallel computing, and virtualization. The most recent development of cloud computing has evolved from the Web2

The evolution of cloud computing can be bifurcated into three basic phases:

1. The Idea Phase- This phase was incepted in the early 1960s with the emergence of utility and grid computing and lasted till the pre-internet era.

2. The Pre-cloud Phase- The pre-cloud phrase originated in 1999 and extended to 2006. In this phase, the internet was used as the mechanism to provide Application as Service.

3. The Cloud Phase- The much talked about real cloud phase started in 2007 when the classification of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS was formalized. The history of cloud computing has witnessed some very interesting breakthroughs launched by some of the leading computer/web organizations in the world.

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Written by V. Goutham Raj, a Siliconvalley4u's student

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