
Internet of Things: What Is It?

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The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects  “things” that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies  for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and  systems over the internet. These devices range from ordinary household  objects to sophisticated industrial tools.

Why is internet of things (IoT) is so  important?

Over the past few years, IoT has become one of the most important  technologies of the 21st century. Now that we can connect everyday  objects like kitchen appliances, cars, thermostats, baby monitors to the  internet via embedded devices, seamless communication is possible  between people, processes, and things.

By means of low-cost computing, the cloud, big data, analytics, and  mobile technologies, physical things can share and collect data with  minimal human intervention.  

In this hyper connected world, digital systems can record, monitor, and  adjust each interaction between connected things. The physical world  meets the digital world and they cooperate.

What are the benefits of IoT to organizations?

The internet of things offers several benefits to organizations. Some  benefits are industry-specific, and some are applicable across multiple  industries.  

Some of the common benefits of IoT enable businesses to:  • monitor their overall business processes;

• improve the customer experience (CX);

• save time and money;

• enhance employee productivity;

• integrate and adapt business models;

• make better business decisions; and

• generate more revenue.

IoT encourages companies to rethink the ways they approach their  businesses and gives them the tools to improve their business strategies.

What are the pros and cons of IoT? Some of the advantages of IoT include the following:

∙ Ability to access information from anywhere at any time on any device; ∙ improved communication between connected electronic devices;

∙ transferring data packets over a connected network saving time and  money; and  

∙ automating tasks helping to improve the quality of a business's services  and reducing the need for human intervention.

Some disadvantages of IoT include the following:

∙ As the number of connected devices increases and more information is  shared between devices, the potential that a hacker could steal  confidential information also increases.

∙ Enterprises may eventually have to deal with massive numbers maybe  even millions of IoT devices, and collecting and managing the data from all those devices will be challenging.

∙ If there's a bug in the system, it's likely that every connected device will  become corrupted.

∙ Since there's no international standard of compatibility for IoT, it's  difficult for devices from different manufacturers to communicate with  each other.

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Written by: P. Grace Sumanjali, a Siliconvalley4u's student

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