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Internet Security : Is there such a thing called 100% security?
What is internet security?
Internet security is a term that describes security for daily activities and transactions made over the internet. It’s a particular component of the larger ideas of cybersecurity and computer security, including browser security, online activities and network security. We spend a large time’s of our lives online, and some of the internet security threats we can encounter include:
=>Hacking, where unauthorized users gain access to computer systems, email accounts, or websites etc..
=>Viruses or malicious software (known as malware) which can damage data or make systems to other threats.
=>Identity theft, where criminals can steal personaland financial information ,Individuals and organizations can protect themselves from these kinds of threats by internet security.

What are the most common internet security threats?:
To ensure privacy and security on the internet, it’s important to be aware of different types of internet attacks. Common internet security threats include:
=>Phishing is a cyber-attack involving different emails. Hackers try to trick email recipients into believing that a message is genuine and relevant – a request from their bank or a note from a co-worker.
for example – so that they click on a link or open an attachment. The goal is to deceive people into handing over their personal information or downloading malware.
Hacking and remote access:
=>Hackers are always looking to explore a private network or system's vulnerabilities, so they can steal confidential information and data. Remote access technology gives them another target to exploit. Remote access software allows users to access and control a computer remotely – and since the pandemic, with more people working remotely, its usage has increased.
Malware and malvertising:
=>Malware is a portmanteau of "malicious" and "software". It's a broad term related to viruses, worms, trojans, and other harmful programs that hackers use to cause havoc and steal sensitive information. Any software intended to damage a computer, server, or network can be described as malware.

Wi-Fi threats, in public and at home:
=>Public Wi-Fi carries risks because the security on these networks – in coffee shops, shopping malls, airports, hotels, restaurants, and so on – is often lax or non-existent. The lack of security means that cyber criminals and identity thieves can monitor what you are doing online and steal your passwords and personal information.
How to protect your data online:
If you are wondering how to ensure internet protection and how to protect your data online, sensible internet security tips you can follow include:
Enable multifactor authentication wherever you can:
Multifactor authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that asks users to provide two or more verification methods to access an online account. For example, instead of simply asking for a username or password, multifactor authentication goes further by requesting additional information, such as:
=>An extra one-time password that the website's authentication servers send to the user's phone or email address.
=>Answers to personal security questions.
=>A fingerprint or other biometric information, such as voice or face recognition.
Multifactor authentication decreases the likelihood of a successful cyber-attack. To make your online accounts more secure, it is a good idea to implement multifactor
Use a firewall:
A firewall acts as a barrier between your computer and another network, such as the internet. Firewalls block unwanted traffic and can also help to block malicious software from infecting your computer.
Choose your browser carefully:
Our browsers are our primary gateway to the web and therefore play a key role in internet security. A good web browser should be secure and help to protect you from data breaches. The Freedom of the Press Foundation has compiled a detailed guide here, explaining the security pros and cons of the leading web browsers on the market.
Create strong passwords, and use a secure password manager
A strong password will help you maintain internet security. A strong password is:
=>Long – made up of at least 12 characters and ideally more.
=>A mix of characters – that is, upper- and lower-case letters plus symbols and numbers.
=>Avoids the obvious – such as using sequential numbers (“1234”) or personal information that someone who knows you might guess, such as your date of birth or a pet’s name.
=>Avoids memorable keyboard paths.
How to keep your family safe online:
Internet security for kids is critical – protecting children from harmful or inappropriate content and contacts, as well as malicious software or attacks.
Internet safety tips for children:
Children are spending more and more time online, and it’s important to talk to them about how to stay safe on the internet. Making sure that kids know what information to keep private online is essential, for example explaining why they need to keep their passwords private, and not give out personal information.

How to keep your email safe
Email was designed to be as open and accessible as possible, to allow people to communicate with each other. The drawback of this accessibility is that certain aspects of email are not secure, allowing attackers to use emails to cause internet security problems.
What is email security?
Email security refers to the methods used to protect email accounts and correspondence against unauthorized access, loss, or compromise. Given that email is often used to spread malware, spam, and phishing attacks, email security is an important aspect of internet security.
Internet mobile security
Mobile security refers to the techniques used to secure data on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets and is another aspect of internet protection.
How to tell if your phone is tapped
Your smartphone can be vulnerable to tapping, especially if it has been jailbroken or rooted. Phone tapping can allow third parties to listen to your calls or read messages. If you’re concerned your phone may have been hacked, you can look out for signs like unusual background noise on calls, your phone’s battery depleting faster than usual, or behaving in strange ways.
Safe online banking and online shopping
Online shopping security tips to remember include:
=>Make sure you’re transacting with a secure website – the URL should start with https:// rather than http:// - the “s” stands for “secure” and indicates that the site has a security certificate. There should also be a padlock icon to the left of the address bar.

=>Check the URL carefully – criminals can create fake websites with URLs that are similar to legitimate ones. They often change one or two letters in the URL to deceive people.
=>Avoid submitting financial information when using public Wi-Fi.
Online banking security tips include:
=>Again, avoid submitting financial or personal information when using public Wi-Fi.
=>Use strong passwords and change them regularly.
=>Use multifactor authentication where possible.
=>Type your bank URL or use your banking app directly, instead of clicking on links in emails – to avoid falling victim to a phishing scam.
=>Check bank statements regularly to identify any transactions you don’t recognize.
=>Keep your operating system, browser, and applications up to date. This will ensure that any known vulnerabilities are patched.
=>Use a robust internet security product, such as the products offered by Kaspersky.
=>Use passwords that you change regularly, try multifactor authentication, complete security updates, and avoid using public Wi-Fi.
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Written by Morampudi Sunil, a Siliconvalley4u's student