Siliconvalley4u Partnership

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  1. Are you an investor ?
  2. Are you an entrepreneur?
  3. Are you a student looking for an internship?
  4. Are you looking ERP and EHR solutions?
  5. You need help with special needs child?
  6. Are you a startup looking for cost effective product/engineering services?
  7. Are you looking for jobs?

Siliconvalley4u , based out of Bay area, is uniquely positioned to bridge gap between academics and real world for students by fostering them through academy programs, internships and entrepreneurship opportunities .SV4U academy works with many colleges/schools globally and Closely partnered with following companies for product development, finance, Legal and other services. (Continuous learning)

  • YatSys – Safety and monitoring tool for Special needs youth (Startup (
  • Luminous – Services for special needs youth (www.luminous,com)
  • FortiSys – ERP services for Healthcare, Govt and Education sectors (

Nexclap – AI tool for Educators to foster youth for real world and companies to get cost effective tech solutions (Startup- (

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